Key Features
In-Depth Stats
Comparison Engine
Purchasing Power Analysis
One-Touch Communication
In-Depth Stats
INFLOW Bridge’s technology allows you to track real-time statistics of Influencers in 4 different outlets: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter Statistics are crafted not only for providing math results but to provide Insights, such as engagement rates. By using our technology, INFLOW Bridge provides Demographic analysis of Influencers’ followers.
Comparison Engine
One of the most crucial point of Influencer Marketing is selection phase. INFLOW Bridge helps you selecting the right Influencers for a successful campaign. By using our Comparison Engine, you can compare the key performance metrics of up to 4 Influencers.
Purchasing Power Analysis
One-of-a-Kind feature from INFLOW Bridge: You can analyze the purchasing power of followers of a specific Influencer. This is the key indicator of a successful Influencer Marketing Campaign. Purchasing Power Analysis is a technology developed by INFLOW Summits and fully abides with privacy laws. By using this technology, you can assess how an audience matches to you brand’s target group.
One-Touch Communication
Behind INFLOW Bridge, there is the biggest Influencer Platform in the World: INFLOW Summits. INFLOW Summits brings influencers and brands together in a series of events throughout the year. Thanks to this, you can get in touch with any influencer in INFLOW Bridge Platform with the help of dedicated Influencer Relations team in INFLOW Summits.